The Integrated Research Literacy Group

A diverse, inclusive, and multidisciplinary initiative of students, researchers, and professionals dedicated to information literacy, collaborative science, and world change

— bridging the gap between industry and academia —


Latest Research Topic: “Psychedelic Therapy for Mental Health and Beyond”

  • Psychology

    ➕ Abnormal, behavioral, clinical, cognitive, and social psychology

  • Medicine

    ➕ Cardiology, neurology, oncology, psychiatry, reproduction, and surgery

  • Creativity

    ➕ Cognitive, emotional, deliberate, and spontaneous thinking

  • Business

    ➕ Consumer psychology, product development, and user experience

  • Engineering

    ➕ Ethical, social, and explainable artificial intelligence

What We Do.

Connect. Brainstorm. Investigate. Publish. Apply.

Founded in 2021, the Integrated Research Literacy Group (IRLG) is a multidisciplinary initiative of students, researchers, and professionals. Together, members translate new concepts, methods, and findings into the scientific community and beyond, collaborating with experts in the field. This is achieved through various research projects and designs, including literature reviews, case reports, observational studies, and lab experiments. The IRLG is grounded in information literacy — the ability to obtain, interpret, critically evaluate, and apply scholarly work — to identify and diminish knowledge gaps, as well as collaborative networks of co-creation that advance world change.

What We Imagine.

Bridging the gap between industry and academia.

The IRLG envisions a world where science is governed by rigorous, multidisciplinary research that advances human knowledge and potential at the individual, societal, and global level. Further, by serving as an intermediary hub for collaboration, we hope to bridge the gap between industry and academia, providing new avenues for mutually beneficial partnerships and breaking down long-standing silos.

“As with any complex living system, when people come together as a group, we cannot always know what it is they will create. The whole is greater than the sum of the parts. Vying for the predictable means shortchanging ourselves of new possibilities, one of the great promises of networks.” ― Curtis Ogden